NEW CABINET: Mnangagwa retains Ncube as Finance Minister; appoints son as deputy Treasury head

NEW CABINET: Mnangagwa retains Ncube as Finance Minister; appoints son as deputy Treasury head

By Staff Reporter

President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Monday appointed his son as the deputy finance minister and retained Mthuli Ncube as the finance minister as he battles to rescue the country’s ailing economy.

The 80-year-old leader is under pressure to rebuild an economy hit by lack of foreign investment, unemployment, high inflation and a local dollar which has plunged 80% this year.

Mnangagwa won a second term in a disputed vote last month, which the opposition described as a “gigantic fraud” amid criticism from election observers who say the election failed to meet regional and international standards.

An ex-banker, Ncube himself has not been spared criticism after his economic policies failed to generate growth, amid failure to repay foreign debt in excess of $17 billion.

Mnangagwa appointed his son David Mnangagwa to be Ncube’s deputy as part of the parliament’s youth quota, while also announcing Soda Zhemu to head the mining ministry.

Zhemu replaced Winston Chitando as the Mines Minister, who headed the ministry since November 2017. He was the Minister of Energy and Power Development since 2020.

Mining generates more than half of Zimbabwe’s foreign export earnings and Mnangagwa has said the sector, which is attracting investors in lithium mining, will anchor future economic growth.

The ruling ZANU-PF party’s national chairperson Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri was re-appointed as the Defence Minister.

“I have a huge majority and I think the opposition would enjoy to be in actual opposition rather than in government,” Mnangagwa told reporters after announcing the cabinet list, which had no opposition officials in it.

Finance & Investment Promotion

Prof Mthuli Ncube

Deputy: David Kudakwashe Mnangagwa

Youth Empowerment

Tino Machakaire

Deputy: Junior Mupamanga

Sports, Recreation, Arts & Culture

Kirsty Coventry

Deputy: Emily Jesaya

Environment, Climate and Wildlife

Mangaliso Ndlovu

Deputy: John Paradza

Veterans of Liberation

Christopher Mutsvangwa

Tourism and Hospitality

Barbra Rwodzi

Deputy: Tongai Mnangagwa


Oppah Muchinguri

Deputy: Levy Mayihlome

Women’s Affairs, Community & SMEs

Monica Mutsvangwa

Deputy: Jennifer Mhlanga

Local Government and Public Works

Winston Chitando

Foreign Affairs

Fredrick Shava

Home Affairs

Kazembe Kazembe

Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

Ziyambi Ziyambi

Deputy: Obert Mazungunye


Jennifan Muswere

Information Communication Technology

Tatenda Mavetera

Deputy: Dingumuzi Phuthi

Mines and Mining Development

Zhemu Soda

Higher Education and Tertiary Education

Prof Amon Murwira

Deputy: Simelizizwe Sibanda

Primary and Secondary Education

T Moyo

Deputy: Angeline Gata

Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

July Moyo

Deputy: Mrs Dinha

Industry and Commerce

Sithembiso Nyoni

Transport and Infrastructure Development

Felix Mhona

Energy and Power Development

Edgar Moyo

National Housing

Daniel Garwe

Deputy: Yeukai Simbanegavi

Lands, Agriculture and Fisheries

Anxious Masuka

Deputy: Vangelis Peter Haritatos

Deputy: Davis Marapira

Health and Child Care

Dr Douglas Mombeshora

Provincial Affairs in the Office of the President and Cabinet

Lovemore Matuke

Skills Audit & Development

Prof Paul Mavhima


1- BULAWAYO – Hon Judith Ncube

2- HARARE – Hon Charles Tawengwa

3- MANICALAND – Hon Matsikenyeri

4- MAT SOUTH – Hon E Ndlovu

5- MIDLANDS – Hon Owen Ncube

6- MASH WEST- Hon M. Chombo

7- MAT NORTH – Hon R. Moyo

8- MASVINGO – Hon E R Chadzamira

9- MASH CENTRAL- Hon C. Magomo

10- MASH EAST – Hon A Munzverengi

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