‘Joke of the year!’ quips as ZACC says to question Chivayo over $40m dodgy deal

‘Joke of the year!’ quips as ZACC says to question Chivayo over $40m dodgy deal

By Staff Reporter

THE country’s anti-corruption commission plans to interview controversial Harare businessman Wicknell Chivhayo over possible money laundering and abuse of office allegations in a move that has however been dismissed as a “joke of the year” by some Zimbabweans.

Chivayo has in recent weeks been hogging the limelight, appearing at high profile events next to President Emmerson Mnangagwa; even joining the Zanu PF leader on the official helicopter as well as spending time with him at his farm in Kwekwe.

Wicknell Chivhayo with President Emmerson Mnangagwa
Wicknell Chivhayo with President Emmerson Mnangagwa

But the youthful businessman’s dalliance with power appeared to start collapsing around him however, after an apparent falling out with business partners Mike Chimombe and Moses Mpofu over a US$40 million deal.

Documents leaked to the media indicated that the three businessmen, together with gold dealer and Zanu PF legislator Scott Sakupwanya secured tenders for the supply of biometric voter registration kits and other voting materials to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) ahead of the 2023 elections.

However, Chimombe and Mpofu claim they were cheated out of $10 million, accusing Chivhayo of conniving with the South Africa suppliers.

In a letter dated April 24, 2024, Mpofu and Chimombe accused the South African company, RenForm, of fraudulent contract cancellation and demanded settlement.

Audio messages were also leaked in which Chivhayo claimed to have made several payments to senior government officials that apparently played a key role in securing the Zec contract to supply materials for last year’s elections.

The businessman however dissociated himself from the audio recordings, claiming they were computer generated.

However, in its statement Sunday, ZACC said, “… the letter (by Chimombe and Mpofu) and the (audio) recordings raises issues related to money laundering and abuse of office that fall within the purview of the Commission.

“Consequently, ZACC will be interviewing Mpofu, Chimombe and Chivhayo to gather more information and gain clarity on matters highlighted.

“The Commission is also keen to interview Mpofu and Chimombe on the Presidential Goat Scheme mentioned in one of the audios.”

Some Zimbabweans are however not convinced anything will result from the ZACC interviews, citing previous cases where high profile and ruling party-linked individuals have been arrested for corruption before being released on bail and eventually acquitted.

Below are some of the social media comments with followed the ZACC statement:

Said one Mcgreager the Real @Mcgreager; “Zanu has been working hand in hand with chivayo. When things go bad they pretend they know nothing. Clever neh”