Thousands expected to welcome Archbishop Ezekiel Guti’s body at Harare airport

Thousands expected to welcome Archbishop Ezekiel Guti’s body at Harare airport

By Thabiso Nxumalo

Thousands of people congregants are expected to throng the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International airport to welcome the body of the late Archbishop Ezekiel Guti in Harare this Saturday.

The Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) founder and world renowned evangelist died aged 100 in South Africa earlier this month.

ZAOGA Apostle Mishael Nyambo confirmed that his body was expected in Harare this Saturday.

“We announce the homecoming of our Father, who is accompanied by our mother, Archbishop Professor Eunor Guti, and the family this Saturday, 22 July 2023, at 12 pm CAT,” Myambo said in a statement.

“We therefore encourage Greater Harare, Norton, and Chitugwiza members to come in numbers and honour our father at the RGMI Airport, Harare, on this historic day.”

The church has set aside 3-6 August 2023 for grand celebrations of the life of the Archbishop who was affectionately known as Baba Guti.

From humble beginnings, under a tree in Bindura in 1960, Guti founded ZAOGA, growing it over the years into a transnational church in some 168 countries with over three million members.

At the time of his passing he had distinguished himself as a leading personality in the Pentecostal world and oversaw over 5,000 pastors and evangelists across the globe.

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