SA: Undocumented Zim woman, four children detained in Kimberley

SA: Undocumented Zim woman, four children detained in Kimberley

By Agencies

SOUTH AFRICA: An undocumented Zimbabwean national and four children were detained in Kimberley pending an investigation into their citizenship.

During the execution of Operation Shanela, provincial police spokesperson Colonel Cherelle Ehlers said members from Operational Response Services were conducting patrols when they stopped a suspicious vehicle in Beaconsfield on January 6.

“The police found luggage that was wrapped in plastic inside the vehicle. Two men, one woman and four children who were travelling inside the vehicle claimed that they were going to the bus terminal in the CBD to board a bus en route to Zimbabwe,” said Ehlers.

She added that the woman and four children had no documentation.

“She (the woman) claimed that three of the children were her biological offspring. The fourth child, a girl approximately 12 years old, appeared to be nervous. She had a lighter skin complexion and the adult occupants could not provide a reasonable explanation regarding the guardianship of the child.”

Ehlers said that the woman and four children, whose ages are to be determined, were believed to be Zimbabwean nationals and they were detained.

“An investigation will be conducted by the Department of Home Affairs and the SAPS.”

She added that the bus that they claimed they would be boarding was searched by the SAPS.

“It was determined that several documented Zimbabwean nationals were passengers bound for Zimbabwe. The investigations continue,” Ehlers said.

An undocumented woman and four children were detained by the police. Picture: SAPS
The police stopped and searched a suspicious vehicle in Beaconsfield on January 6. Picture: SAPS