US: Zimbabwe’s Nobuntu set for Lackwood Centre shows

US: Zimbabwe’s Nobuntu set for Lackwood Centre shows

By Showbiz Correspondent

US: ZIMBABWEAN all-female group, Nobuntu, has been lined up for a show at the regional Lackwood Cultural Center in November as part of its 25th anniversary celebrations.

Based in Colorado, Lackwood Cultural Center is celebrating 25 years “of extraordinary performances” with 2024–2025 season which “offers vibrant, multicultural programmes from world-class artists in dance, theatre, jazz, classical and world music”.

Nobuntu will be on stage on Friday, November 1 with an interactive workshop scheduled for the next day (Saturday).

“This interactive workshop will teach participants various dances from the Ndebele culture including the origin and meaning of various rhythms. Accompanied by singing, rhythms will be taught through drumming, clapping and movement,” the centre said in a press statement.

Hailing from Bulawayo, Nobuntu has drawn international acclaim with spirited performances featuring Zimbabwean songs, Afro jazz and gospel music.

“The group represents a new generation of young female African singers who celebrate and preserve their culture, beauty, and heritage through art,” Lackwood Centre said.

“The ensemble’s mission is the belief that music can be an important vehicle for change, one that transcends racial, tribal, religious, gender, and economic boundaries.”

The statement added, “Performing with pure voices, minimalistic percussion, traditional instruments and authentic dance movement, the quartet brings joy as the group performs around the world, most recently at festivals and concert halls in Italy, Austria, Germany, Belgium, the

Czech Republic and throughout the African continent.”