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US: Zimbabwean musicians to perform at Texas African Vibration Music Festival

UNITED STATES: The annual African Vibration Music Festival is, this year, set to conduct the biggest concert of Zimbabwean singers at McKinney, Texas under the theme ‘Connect to the rhythm and culture’.
The music fest will be held on the 29th of June, bringing to Texas electrifying and unforgettable performances from some of Africa’s most talented artists.
“It bridges the gap between the different continents and unites us all through the universal language of music, where traditional beats meet modern flavours. They will all be highlighted every month at the end of June in Dallas Metroplex, Texas, USA,” said organisers York Magic.
“The music fest actually expects people to groove on the thumping beats of the chosen celebrity singers.”
The festival will feature the Zimbabwean artists Thomas Mapfumo, band Mokoomba, and singer Sulu Chimbetu.
Based in the United States, Mapfumo’s music is mainly based on social and political protests that conveys the western popular styles and assorted music of south-eastern Africa.
The Zimbabwean musical band originally hails from Chinotimba township, Victoria Falls. The band sings in various languages, including English, Luvale, Tonga, Nyanja, Ndebele, and Shona.
Mokoomba is a word derived from the Tonga language that is defined as deep respect for the Zambezi River and the vibrant life along its bank.
The band is known for its traditional and modern instruments and variety of international pop and pan-African styles which includes soukous, funk and reggae that brings together different cultures from Southern-east and Central African part.