UK: Action-packed university journey sets Dr Biti on road to success

UK: Action-packed university journey sets Dr Biti on road to success

By Aberdeen University

SCOTLAND: Graduation marks the end of a joy-filled era for Simba Biti who has made a big impression on students, staff and visitors alike during his time at the University.

The 26-year-old graduated on Thursday, 23 November with a PhD in Chemical Engineering but academic studies are not the only thing he excelled at over the years.

The University’s longest-serving student ambassador, when Covid hit in 2019, Simba saw an opportunity and became a virtual campus tour guide, a move which saw him become something of an internet sensation.

In addition to excelling in his role as a Student Ambassador, working with the Student Recruitment team, he delivered talks in local schools. He was also an active member of the Aberdeen Medics rugby team and volunteered for the local Junction Church group ‘Red Frogs’.

“I have absolutely loved my time as a student at the University, both as an undergraduate and postgraduate. Coming to the end of my time as a student, I can say that I have had my academic potential unlocked, probably a lot further than I could have imagined,” said Simba.

“The co-curricular opportunities at the University have also really helped with my professional development, along with the six years that I was employed as a Student Ambassador. With the opportunities afforded to me in my time as a student, I leave knowing I led a well-balanced student life that encompassed a balance of my academics, my social life, and my extra-curricular activities.

“The University will always have a special place in my heart, and I will always be grateful for my time here.”

Originally from Zimbabwe, Simba grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. His interest in the University of Aberdeen stemmed from a desire to study overseas and learn in a new environment.

“I have really enjoyed being a part of a community of people from so many different walks of life,” he said.

“From when I started until now, there always has been a welcoming atmosphere at the University and the opportunity to have meaningful interactions with people, whether it be students or staff.

“It has been refreshing to get to know people from a wide array of backgrounds and to learn about different countries, cultures, and perspectives. “

After completing his studies, the future is bright for Simba – but he’s still got his eye on having fun.

“I am in the process of finalising my next career steps but, in the meantime, I am looking to kick-start some new hobbies that I will now have a bit more time to focus on, as well getting back into playing more sport and doing some more travelling.”