Put up or shut up! ZBC gives motormouth Chikunguru 48-hour ultimatum

Put up or shut up! ZBC gives motormouth Chikunguru 48-hour ultimatum

By Staff Reporter

THE Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) has strongly warned its former CEO, Adelaide Chikunguru, demanding that she acts on her legal threats within 48 hours or risk being hit with “a decree of perpetual silence”.

Chikunguru was suspended at the end of February over a slew of allegations which were not made public at the time by the Corporation.

She then resigned a few days later and launched a social media campaign not only denying the allegations but also attacking Board chairman, Helliate Rushwaya, and information minister Jenfan Muswere.

Chikunguru also accused the minister of having made sexual advances at her.

In a statement Tuesday, the Board said Chikunguru “has resorted to social media to suggest that the charges (against her) were trumped up in pursuit of a personal and politicised agenda by certain named individuals.

“Privileged documents of the Corporation have been made public and out of context, to drive a misleading narrative that has caused immeasurable reputational and financial prejudice to the Corporation and its stakeholders. The use of the privileged documents, albeit out of context, is contrary to her contract of employment and the relevant legislation.”

Former ZBC chief executive Adelaide Chikunguru

The strongly-worded statement demanded that Chikunguru acts – within 48 hours – on her public threat to sue the Corporation.

“The Board advises Ms. Chikunguru to pursue her claims, if any, through the due process of the law and notes her continued suggestion that her lawyers have been briefed,” reads the statement.

“The Board publicly states that there is no substance in the allegations against the Board and the Corporation. To this end, the Board invites her to execute her threats of resort to law against the Corporation within the next forty-eight (48) hours.

“In the event that she does not do so, the Board reserves the right to approach the High Court for a decree of perpetual silence calling upon her to bring the threatened legal action or forever keep her peace. This decision is necessary to protect the continuing harm to the Corporation’s interests and those of its Stakeholders.”

Chikunguru was also warned that her resignation would not stop investigations into allegations that led to her suspension.

“The Board wishes to emphasise that her resignation has not ended the investigation of the issues that led to her suspension,” reads the statement.

“She will be made to account in terms of the law for any loss, potential or real, of assets or other forms of prejudice that the Corporation may have suffered because of her alleged misconduct.

“Neither her resignation nor her media statements will stop or derail the Board from completing its investigation and taking the necessary legal steps to protect the Corporation’s interests and recover any lost value or assets.”