POTRAZ: Zimbabwe regulator warns against using Elon Musk’s Starlink internet

POTRAZ: Zimbabwe regulator warns against using Elon Musk’s Starlink internet

By TechZim

To say Zimbabweans are interested in Starlink is quite an understatement. Mention Starlink in any context and heads pop up, “Hanzi chii? Is it coming? Where can I get one?”

The biggest question has always been, “What do the regulators think about it?” For its part, the Postal and Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe has been silent on the matter even as more and more people imported Starlink kits into the country.

POTRAZ has broken its vow of silence and let us know just what they think about Starlink. They bared their soul in a public notice:

The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) regulates the provision of postal and telecommunicaions services in Zimbabwe. The manadate of POTRAZ includes licensing of postal and telecommunications service providers and enforcement of compliance with licence conditions and applicable laws for the sector. The licences are issued in terms of the Postal and Telecommunications Act [Chapter 12:05] (The Act), as read with the Postal and Telecommunications (Licensing, Registration and Certificaion) Regulations, 2021.

Under the current licensing framework, the provision of internet by means of satellite systems can be done by Public Network Operators or by foreign-based satellite service providers/operators. A foreign-based Satellite Service Provider/Operator can offer services in Zimbabwe using any of the following options: –

Through duly licensed Public Network Operators. Under this arrangement the Satellite Operator and the local network Operator enter a Virtual Network Operator (VNO) agreement, that must be approved by the authority, to ensure that the public network operator meets legal and regulatory requirements stipulated in the licence.

A Satellite Service Provider/Operator can apply for their own licence that would authorise them to provide services.

End users can apply for private network licences which would authorise the utilisation of externally operated Satellite systems.

The Act prohibits the provision of telecommunications services or operation of telecommunications systems, including the possession or control of radio transmission equipment without a licence, certificate or authorisation expressly given by POTRAZ.

It has come to the attention of the Authority that there are entities masquerading as licensed Satellite Service Providers or local agents accredited to distribute customer premises equipment for the provision of satellite-based internet services to unsuspecting members of the public.

The public is reminded that only service providers who are licensed or authorised by POTRAZ are permitted at law to provide telecommunications services or distribute/install customer premises equipment for purposes of providing telecommunications services inluding satellite-based broadband internet service to customers or end-users.

The public is further reminded that local licensed Operators are only allowed to distribute satellite-based internet services if their VNO agreemenst have been approved by the Authority.

Being found in possession of or operating a telecommunications equipment/ system without a valid licence, certificate or authorisation from POTRAZ is a statutory offence punishable at law.

The takeaway

Starlink can be used in Zimbabwe legally even before it is licensed by POTRAZ.

Starlink can either apply for a license from POTRAZ or partner with a local company that is registered as a public network operator. In most countries where Starlink is available, they have applied for their own license. It is therefore likely that they will do the same in Zimbabwe.

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