Mnangagwa in second mini cabinet reshuffle; returns Chitando to mines ministry

Mnangagwa in second mini cabinet reshuffle; returns Chitando to mines ministry

By Xinhua and Staff Reporter

HARARE: President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Wednesday reshuffled his cabinet, barely a month after re-assigning two ministers.

Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Martin Rushwaya announced the cabinet reshuffle in a statement on Wednesday and said the re-assignments and appointments took effect immediately.

Mnangagwa reassigned Winston Chitando as head of the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development, removing him from the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works where he has been replaced by Daniel Garwe, the former minister of National Housing and Social Amenities.

Zhemu Soda, former Mines and Mining Development minister, is now the new minister for National Housing and Social Amenities.

Mnangagwa also appointed Musa Ncube as deputy minister of National Housing and Social Amenities and Headman Moyo as deputy minister of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Affairs.

The changes come after mini-reshuffle last month when the Zanu PF leader swapped the portfolios of Industry and Commerce Minister Sithembiso Nyoni and counterpart Mangaliso Ndlovu who was Environment, Climate and Wildlife Minister.