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Media urged to do away with stereotypes describing third-world countries as ‘developing’

By Goitsemang Matlhabe I IOL
Media organisations gathered for the 6th BRICS Media Forum have been urged to do away with stereotypes and framing which describes third-world countries as “developing” on account of an oppressive global order.
Speaking at the forum, held at the Houghton Hotel, the Zimbabwean Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Monica Mutsvangwa said this was because such stereotypes were media discursive outputs that worked against BRICS countries’ ambitions.
Instead, she called on media outlets to use the opportunity to channel a new narrative of the BRICS countries’ stories and a re-imagination of the Global South, with the media as the driver of that agenda, to extricate them from the clutches of predatory trade systems.
Mutsvangwa said to do so required capacity development to see Africa grow beyond its primary industries to produce tradeable products with and among its nations, within the BRICS community, and with the rest of the world.
Infrastructure development, especially in the context of Zimbabwe, was also crucial, as she said the country was already working to ensure their road, rail, air, and digital communication facilities and networks were world-class to support the anticipated growth in common South-South development.
“Africa needs to accelerate the revamping of our communication networks in order for us to trade between and amongst ourselves. Only then can we grow our economies together.”
Mutsvangwa commended BRICS countries for working on encouraging countries to relax restrictions to allow free movement of goods and persons and the movement of critical capital across the African continent.
She explained that market access and legislative reforms were critical in reigniting the global south’s solidarity against the monopoly of linear imperialist narratives and other key objectives.