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IRELAND: Family ‘shocked and upset’ over further report delay into death of Zim woman following childbirth

IRELAND: A Health and Safety Executive (HSE) report into the death of a woman following childbirth at University Hospital Kerry has been deemed not acceptable and returned for additional consideration.
Tatenda Mukwata, who lived in Kenmare, died on April 21st 2022, over six hours after giving birth to a healthy baby, by caesarean section.
An inquest concluded the 34-year-old Zimbabwe-born woman, who had lived in direct provision in Kenmare with her three daughters, died by medical misadventure.
The family’s solicitor says this latest delay is another shock for them, and they’re very upset.
The HSE is conducting this review into the death Tatenda Mukwata; it’s external to UHK staff, and the report was originally due in January of last year, nine months after her death.
The HSE wrote to the family’s solicitor last August, stating the external team expected the report would be shared with the family in October.
At the inquest into Tatenda’s death in September, the HSE’s barrister also advised the report would be completed by October, however, no report has been forthcoming.
The Mukwatas’ solicitor, Conor Murphy of Murphy Healy & Co, Kenmare, says University Hospital Kerry‘s General Manager, Mary Fitzgerald wrote on December 22nd stating she had received the external review, but it had to be independently quality assured before being released to the family.
She has now written again to the family’s solicitor stating that she, as review commissioner, is unable to accept the draft report in its current format.
She says the external review team has acknowledged the independent review team feedback, and has accepted the return of the report for further consideration.
Ms Fitzgerald apologised for the disappointment this development has caused the Mukwata family, and added she’s asked the review team for an expected date for the new report.
The family’s solicitor, Conor Murphy, says this is a step backwards, and is another shock for the Mukwatas, who are very upset.