Catholic bishops denounce arrests; call for tolerance ahead of SADC summit

Catholic bishops denounce arrests; call for tolerance ahead of SADC summit

By Agencies

Zimbabwe’s Catholic Bishops Conference (ZCBC) issued a Pastoral Statement on Friday denouncing arbitrary arrests and calling for tolerance and restraint in the country.

Ahead of the 44th Ordinary Summit of the sixteen-member country Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) scheduled for Harare, Zimbabwe, on 17 August, the government has been systematically clamping down on dissent.

In the statement, ZCBC condemned the strategy that the government is employing against its critics. The church has urged the regime to consider dialogue as a way of resolving grievances.

“As the Catholic Bishops, we are worried and saddened that to silence the dissenting voices and to quell possible demonstrations, violence, torture, and abductions seem to be the only options deployed,” ZCBC said.

“Why not try dialogue with those who feel aggrieved by the present state of our country?

“As Zimbabweans, we are people with a culture of tolerance, and we value diversity. Let this be seen in how we conduct our businesses and how we articulate our grievances.

Protesters at the Zimbabwean Embassy in Johannesburg
Protesters at the Zimbabwean Embassy in Johannesburg

“We appeal to all concerned, to exercise their rights responsibly and to the government we call for restraint. The prevailing situation in the country does no one any good.”

The church further condemned the arbitrary arrests of activists and the subsequent denial of bail by the Zimbabwean courts.

“Recently, we have seen the wanton arrests of citizens under frivolous charges. Some of the arrested have been denied bail. Surely, even those who ‘have committed crimes’ deserve to be treated in a just manner.

“They cannot be denied their fundamental rights. Here, the adage, ‘justice delayed is justice denied,’ rings true. Let us safeguard the human rights enshrined in our Constitution.

“As we once appealed before the August 2023 elections, we urge our politicians again and those in government to exercise their duties responsibly,” ZCBC said.

On Wednesday this week, Amnesty International issued an Urgent Action appeal urging the Government of President Emmerson Mnangagwa to end the crackdown and silencing of activists as well as members of the Opposition.

More than 160 activists, political party members, student union activists and civil society members have been arrested on charges relating to disorderly conduct, criminal nuisance and plotting to incite protests. Some of those detained were said to have been severely tortured and sustained injuries that required hospitalisation.